In our last post, we discussed Rob Lowe’s recent article in USA Today on the period of time in which he, along with his brothers, was the caregiver for his mother who had cancer. We looked at ways people can age at home without having to rely on family members. This week let’s look at the family caregivers who are called upon to care for loved ones.
As he mentions in his article, one of the most important things to remember is the well-being of the caregiver. I tell this often to my caregiving clients. When we are in an airplane, we are told that in the event of an emergency, we need to put the oxygen mask over our own face first, and then put it over those around us that need help. Unfortunately, I often see people run themselves into the ground trying to take care of a loved one. In some cases, it makes the caregiver bitter and resentful. I’ve seen other cases where the caregiver just wears out and gets sick themselves or even pass away before the person they are taking care of.
Another issue caregivers have is the lack of information or confusing information. That is why I put together this caregiver guide – Hope For Caregivers: ABC’s of Long-Term Care and Legal Planning. In the guide, you will discover strategies to effectively manage a loved ones care, stay in control and reduce financial burdens on the family during a medical crisis. Click the link to download or call our office at 214-292-4225 to receive your free copy today.